Tag: Singapore Airlines
End of break visit
I’ve been enjoying a three week break from work over Christmas and New Year, but only managed to get in a trip to the airport with camera and sun on Friday. My chief goal was to catch the Singapore Airlines Airbus A350 arriving from one of my usual spots, as I have only seen it at…
Boeing, Boeing, gone
I didn’t realise it at the time, but the pictures I published mid-October of the Singapore Airlines Boeing 777-200ER would be my last of the type at Wellington. Only 9 more flights followed that one before the type was retired from the route. While it was quite exciting to have such a large aircraft as…
I’ve finally published the last of 174 photos I took in Singapore in April. The last batch are 38 taken at Changi Airport on our last day.
Almost caught up!
In what I had hoped to be my final catch-up post, I will show you a selection of types I have captured in the latter half of 2018 out at ‘my local’ — Wellington International Airport. But there’s yet another catch-up post to come with a rather special new type. Keep your eyes peeled for another…
A long time coming
Forgive my not posting here in a long, long time. That thing called life has been getting in the way of having time to process all my photos, let alone write about them. But the wait is over.
A little bit of Welly
I had a day off work, the sun was out, and I was encouraged to leave the house. You know what happened next.
New Year
With this being the last day of my “holiday” I decided the sunshine was a good reason to head out to Wellington Airport for my first visit of 2017, and just in time to watch the Singapore Airlines 777 landing again.
Widebody wonder
I managed to get to the airport today just in time to see the third arrival of Singapore Airlines’ SQ291 flight from Singapore and Canberra, along with quite a few other spotters, as this was the first arrival on a weekend day.