I had a sense it had been a while since my last update, but I see it’s less than a month! I will try to keep more up to date than I have done in recent years.
Just a motley collection of shots from April at Wellington.
First up, a common sight that won’t be around much longer. The RNZAF C-130H (NZ) Hercules fleet are regulars, but two of the five have already been retired and the first replacement C-130J-30 is due to arrive later this year.
Fun fact — the first three of these aircraft arrived at this very airport 59 years ago this month!

Next up, we see friend of the blog, Rodney, taking Nanchang 55 out for a flight.

Finally, on my most recent visit, I decided to try out a bit of a different angle than usual.

You can check out all 32 photos from April (so far) here.
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